There is a lot of prepping your home when you go on a trip, from turning off all electronic devices to making sure all windows and doors are locked. But is there anything you should do with your pool when you’re out of town? Yes! There are a few things you definitely need to do for your pool before you go on an extended trip away from home.
Test Your Water and Balance Pool Chemicals
As you prepare your pool for when you’re out of town, one of the first things you should do is test the water and balance the pool chemicals. Testing the water will let you know if the water is balanced or not, and will also tell you which chemicals you even need. Balance the water as needed. That way, these water care chemicals can work optimally to keep your pool clean during your vacation.
Cover Your Pool Before You Leave
If you have an auto-cover, be sure to cover your pool before you leave to go out of town. Covering your pool prevents the evaporation of chemicals that will keep your pool clean while you’re gone. Also, it keeps debris and wildlife out of the water, which saves you from a major pool clean-up when you get back home.
Set a Schedule for Your Pool Equipment
Did you know that you can set your pool equipment, like your pump and filter, on a time schedule? While you can do this any time to make your pool system operate efficiently, you’ll definitely want to do this before you go out of town. This will ensure that your pool’s pump and filter system is running smoothly and efficiently, and not 24/7. This will save you money on energy costs — not something you want to think or worry about while you’re away from home!
Leave a Pool How-To List and Contact Information for the Housesitter
If you have someone lined up to watch your house while you’re out of town, leave them a list of everything they need to know about your pool. Include easy-to-do daily tasks and instructions on how to operate the pool equipment and cover. This is especially important if the housesitter stays at your home and is allowed to use your pool.
Definitely include a phone number to your trusted local pool service professionals, in case they have questions or need assistance with your pool. That way, if there is an emergency with your pool, they will know who to call first.
Get Vacation Pool Service for When You Go Out of Town
If you would feel better having a professional stop by and check on your pool, consider signing up for vacation pool service. This gives you peace of mind while you’re away and helps alleviate your housesitter’s responsibilities (if you have one). Tredway Pools offers vacation pool service to current customers and are more than happy to take care of your pool while you’re out of town. Contact us today to learn more!