Even though Indiana pools are safely tucked away for the winter season, Tredway Pools recommends keeping an eye on your pool through the winter months. Pool maintenance does not stop in the winter; the job description just changes a little. So, when you take a peek under your pool cover this winter, here are some things to consider.
The Right Time – After a Thaw
Try to keep your pool cover free of debris — leaves, limbs, etc. However, if the cover is buried under ice and snow, do not try to remove it. Let it melt and keep your cover pump on to remove the melted ice and snow. If you have an automatic pool cover that is covered with ice and snow, you can damage the automatic cover by opening it. Wait for a thaw to open automatic pool covers.
After a thaw and after the cover pump has removed any standing water from the pool cover, take a peek under the cover to see how your pool water is doing. Test the chemical balance of the water. Ensuring that the pH is balanced, checking the alkalinity level, and checking the calcium level will help your pool liner last longer.
Make any necessary adjustments. A few weeks before opening the pool for the season, use an algaecide to kill any bacteria that may have formed.
The Right Level – Below the Skimmer
Because the cover is resting on the water, keep the pool water at the right level. If the cover begins to sag, that is a sign that the water level is too low. If you don’t have an automatic pool cover, you may be able to pull back one corner of the cover to check the water level.
Do not add water to the pool if there is ice, snow, leaves, etc. on top of the cover. If you add water, add more winterizing chemicals also. If snow has gotten inside the pool, you may need to remove some water with a siphon.
A Watchful Eye – Around the Pool
Over the winter months, keep an eye on your pool equipment and plumbing lines as well. Watch for ice build-up around the equipment. Watch for cracks in the pipes. Sometimes small animals will claim your pool equipment as their winter home, so keep an eye out for that. Keep the breaker to the pump turned off. If the pump accidentally gets turned on when the lines are empty, it could cause damage.
Make sure that your cover pump is in good working order. It will need to be checked for debris build-up from time to time. Even in the winter, it is a good idea to have an alarm on your pool to notify you of any disturbances in the water. Do not walk on the pool cover and keep children and pets away from the pool.
If you have any questions about taking a peek under your pool cover this winter, be sure to give us a call at Tredway Pools, 260-489-5596. We are happy to answer any questions that you might have.