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Our Top 3 Grill Recipes to Try in 2023

Our Top 3 Grill Recipes to Try in 2023

Are you looking for something new and exciting to spice things up on your grill this year? At Tredway Pools Plus, we know that keeping things interesting can be a challenge. Grilling has been popular for many years now, and most people have their own go-to recipes that they use year in and year out. The trick is to find new recipes to try on your grill to expand your repertoire. We are here to help with that with three trendy new recipes for your grill.

Grill Recipes to Try #1: Grilled Pizza

Grilled pizza is quickly becoming a popular grill item, and if you have not tried it yet, you need to. Use your favorite store-bought pizza dough, pizza sauce (or get fancy and make your own), and any toppings you like. Assemble the pizza like you usually would and place it on your grill at around 500 degrees for seven to ten minutes. Ta-Da! You made a delicious pizza on your grill! If you want a video tutorial, Primo® Grill masters have created an excellent example for us to follow with many helpful tips. Making this is super simple and allows for so much fun and variety. Everyone will love it. 

Grill Recipes to Try #2: Mac and Cheese

This fantastic recipe from Primo showcases how you can use your grill to make incredible mac and cheese. They begin by sauteing shrimp in homemade sauce. Once those have cooked up, they make a rue and add their cheese to it (YUM). Finally, they add in the pasta to let it all cook and thicken together. Our mouths were definitely watering by the end of this one. It was a super simple and all-in-one skillet meal. Since mac and cheese is not something you typically find cooked on the grill, we quickly put this one at the top of our to-try list!

Grill Recipes to Try #3: Mini Chocolate Cakes

Our last fun find to add to your grill this year is a mini chocolate cake. Who knew you could bake on a grill? The experts at Saber® did, and they have this straightforward recipe to follow. They begin by melting their chocolate and butter on the grill. Then mix together butter and sugar until the sugar is dissolved, and then add eggs to this. Finally, put the melted chocolate in and incorporate it. Place your cake mix in a cast iron skillet on half of the grill that is not lit (the other side can be around 500 degrees). Wait eight to twelve minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. You have yourself a delicious dessert.

With these fun new recipes to try, you will definitely be making statements at your next family or neighborhood function. If you are looking for a new grill to go along with some new recipes, check out the great selection of Primo and Saber grills we have to offer at Tredway Pools Plus to enhance your grilling experience. We can’t wait to hear about all the fun things you make.



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