Treating yourself to a hot tub can be a big decision. You’ve probably researched everything from brands to chemicals, and now you’re totting up to see if you can afford a hot tub. But it’s important to remember to balance the cost with how much you have to gain from owning a hot tub. So, how much does a hot tub cost? And do the benefits outweigh the hot tub price?
Additional Hot Tub Cost
It’s worth bearing in mind the extras that are often forgotten about. This includes things like maintenance, chemicals, and replacing filters. While it may seem like smaller costs, it tends to sneak up on you. Then there are also the optional extras like music systems to enhance your experience.
None of this is intended to put you off, but having the full picture makes buying a hot tub a lot more manageable. When you can foresee the monthly hot tub cost, it’s much easier to implement it into your accounts. And besides, the health benefits may end up paying off in the long run!
Hot Tub Health Benefits
With water covering 71% of the world, it’s long been used for healing. In Ancient Egypt, bathing in water heated with hot stones was seen as bringing themselves closer to the Gods. Similarly in Ancient Greek and Roman times, people would use sweat baths heated with fire to aid with circulation and digestion. Even now, there are hot springs all over the world in places like Hungary and Japan where locals use the water to help with anything from medical ailments to anti-aging.
Marquis Hot Tub for Anti-Aging
If anti-aging benefits are what you’re looking for from your hot tub, the Marquis is well worth the money. With MicroSilk® technology, it gives your skin the effects of an oxygen facial, boosting collagen and giving you that glow. It works by increasing blood flow and hydration, leaving you with softer skin. For this reason, it can also help with skin complaints like psoriasis and eczema, supporting the healing process.
Make The Most Of Your Hot Tub
To really assess how much your hot tub will cost and whether you can afford it, you have to determine your usage. A hot tub is very versatile and can even become part of your day-to-day routine. For some, it’s the perfect way to rewind after work or an essential part of their workout routine to heal muscles. For others, it’s a social hub, used to get together with friends or have a romantic evening away from distractions. For all, the health benefits come as a bonus, like relaxing hydrotherapy and smoothing skin. So while the price of a hot tub takes some consideration, you may find the amount you use it far outweighs the price.
To talk over your options or inquire more about our range of Marquis hot tubs, give us a call at (260)-489-5596. We offer hot tubs for any budget and we offer many different sizes and brands to suit your lifestyle.